Lyon County History Center… Museum on Main Street

Emporia, Kansas

On a freezing cold day in January, I visited the Lyon County History Center (LCHC). When I entered LCHS, there was an exhibit that focused on quilts and there was an exhibit that had artifacts about the Welch influence on Lyon County. On the second floor, there were more exhibits focused on different aspects of Lyon county.

While browsing through the second floor of the museum, the deputy director, Lisa Soller, took some time to chat with me. She talked about the education/play area that is on the second floor and we talked about different activities that take place at the museum. She was incredibly helpful and I am hoping to follow up with her sometime in the future.

I think this history center could meet the needs for a variety of people, including:

1.) parents with elementary age children or younger who are looking for a play area with some engaging activities for their children.

2.) teachers or parents who are wanting to expose their children/students to a museum experience, but do not want to overwhelm them with a large museum. I think this history center would be a great first museum experience for a child. Parents/teachers could use this experience to talk about museum etiquette.

3.) a teacher or parent working through a Kansas unit. I personally think a scavenger hunt would be perfect for this museum.


Education/Play Area at LCHC


Elementary Lesson Plans

Secondary History Lesson Plans

A tip from someone who has been there.

Right down the street from the Lyon County History Museum is a business called the Imaginarium. The Imaginarium has more of a STEM/makerspace focus. It is possible that a family or class might be able to visit both the LCHC and the Imaginarium or the trips might need to be spread out over two days. Either way, the Imaginarium is worth checking out.


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