Flat Stanley… A Traveling Phenomenon

April has been a crazy, busy time for me and I have not done much traveling this winter. Summer is coming and I will be traveling and sharing my travels with you all when falls comes back around.

So, let’s talk about Flat Stanley. The character, Flat Stanley, was created by Jeff Brown. Harper Collins has created a website with information about Flat Stanley for teachers, parents, and kids.

The idea behind Flat Stanley is that kids/students color this Flat Stanley template. Then, students take this template with them on trips or to special places and take a picture with the Flat Stanley. Sometimes the Flat Stanley can be sent with friends to places they are going or Flat Stanley can be sent to an important person and a picture can be taken with the important person.

If the Flat Stanley idea is appealing to the kids that you work with, then they might enjoy the Flat Stanley book series.

As I thought about the Flat Stanley idea, I thought about how this could be done with anything that a child feels a connection to. Sometimes kids want to feel a connection to home when they are traveling. Taking a picture of that favorite item with the child while traveling could be a fun memory.


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